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Review: Walkera Devo 10 Transmitter

Mike vom Mars Blog 4-in-1 all-in-one devention deviation devo 10 multicopter review test transmitter tx walkera walkera devo 10
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If you own more than one multicopter, you wish there was a TX that controls all your models. The Walkera Devo 10 does, thanks to the fabulous (and free) Deviation firmware and a tiny and easy to install all-in-one module.

Walkera Devo 10 Transmitter

Walkera Devo 10 Devo 7 Devo 8 all in one module 4-in-1 module deviation firmware devention 100mw 150mw Devo10_01 test review walkera rodeo 110 mini fpv micro racer mini racer multicopter multikopter drohne mini fpv racing mike-vom-mars blog

White Edition


Walkera Devo 10 Devo 7 Devo 8 all in one module 4-in-1 module deviation firmware devention 100mw 150mw Devo10_01 test review walkera rodeo 110 mini fpv micro racer mini racer multicopter multikopter drohne mini fpv racing mike-vom-mars blog

Black Edition


10 channels
Vibration alert
Very good range
Affordable all-in-one TX
Up to 150mW transmission power
Customizable with free “Deviation” firmware
Manages up to 30 different multicopter profiles
Compatible to almost ALL multicopter models (with 4-in-1 module)
Powered by 3S Lipo or AA batteries (Lipo plug pre-installed)
Nützliche Links
Devo 10 Black Edition at Banggood
Devo 10 White Edition at Banggood
4-in-1 Modul at Banggood
Installation of 4-in-1 Modul
Deviation Firmware

The Devo 10 comes with two flavors: the Black Edition and the White Edition. There are no differences between the two versions, but user tests have repeatedly proved that the range of the White Edition is 20% to 100% higher than the Black Edition, depending on the protocol and receiver used. Apparently the White has a more efficient antenna than the Black. However, this can be unscrewed and replaced by others, if desired.

If the range is more important to you than the color, get the White Edition for sure.

FCC or CE?

The European version of the Devo 10 is throttled to 10mW transmission power, while the international FCC version features full 100mW power. Please ask your dealer before buying. By installing the 4-in-1 module (described below), the power can be increased again to 150mW transmission power.

The respective transmission power can be individually set for each copied model stored – but as said: in EU are max. 10mW allowed.

10 Channels

As the name implies, the Devo 10 offers up to ten channels. Whether you can use it all depends on which receiver you use. Short explanation: four channels are already used to control the copter. Another is usually to switch the flight mode in flight (Acro / Angle / Horizon Mode). Another one to arm / disarm the motors. So there are six channels which you need at least.

However, since four further channels are still available, the LED lighting of the copter can be set to a channel so that the LEDs can be switched on and off by via a switch on the transmitter. On another channels / switches you can set the beeper function, so the copter beeps when you have lost it in the high grass.

Another channel can then be used for telemetry / RSSI use etc. With ten channels you are well served. Since the Devo 10 also has two potentiometers, you can also swing a camera gimbal, for example.


The Devo 10 holds eight (!) Mignon cells in the battery compartment. Since this makes the transmitter quite heavy, there is also the possibility to simply remove the battery insert from the battery compartment, so that you can place a 3S Lipo (11.1V) there. This saves lots of weight.

Nice detail: Walkera already inserted a JST plug in the battery compartment to easily plug a Lipo battery into it. The battery compartment accommodates Lipos up to a size of 10cm x 3cm x 2cm, so there is no problem to find a suitable 3S Lipo with 1800 to 2200 mAh.

Connecting to the PC

If the original firmware is installed, connect the Devo 10 with the included coaching cable to the PC (one end to the TX’s trainer port, the other end comes into the MIC socket of the computer). In order to use the transmitter as a joystick with an FPV simulator, you need two free tools:

VJoy (just install and you’re ok)

SmartProPoPlus (launch this one after plugging in your TX and keep the tool running while you’re playing).

It is simpler if the Deviation firmware is installed: then you simply set up a profile on the Devo 10, which uses the “USBHID” protocol and connect the Devo via USB to the computer. Further software tools are no longer necessary, since the Deviation firmware simulates a connected USB joystick.

My personal number one choice of all FPV simulators is FPV Freerider Recharged. It’s available für 10 EUR only and offers some gorgeous landscapes (woods, canyons etc.) and parcours (parking lot abandoned factory) to fly through.

Deviation Firmware

The biggest highlight with the Devo 10 is the free Deviation Firmware that can be downloaded and installed. Originally, the Devo 10 “only” supports Walkera models. However, a group of users have developed their own firmware for the Devo TX (and improved it more and more over the last years). If the Deviation firmware is installed, the Devo 10 has can be extended by a hand stroke with many useful functions.

The best feature of the deviation firmware, however, is that it supports almost all existing protocols!

Here’s a list of all protocols, receivers and multicopter models that are (theoretically) supported by the Deviation firmware:

List of supported protocols

List of supported models

The 4-in-1 Module

Again, the Devo 10 with the Deviation firmware masters almost all protocols and is capable to communicate with all possible receivers. At least on the software side. To do so on the hardware side, you need to replace the original transmission module of the Devo 10 with an upgraded module, the 4-in-1 Module. Don’t worry, installing this module is quite easy.

The TX module inside of the Devo 10 is not soldered, it’s just plugged in. Just pick it, pull it out and replace it with the new module. There are three wires coming from the new module. These wires need to be soldered to three distinct pins within your Devo 10 (see picture):

Walkera Devo 10 Devo 7 Devo 8 all in one module 4-in-1 module deviation firmware devention 100mw 150mw Devo10_01 test review walkera rodeo 110 mini fpv micro racer mini racer multicopter multikopter drohne mini fpv racing mike-vom-mars blog


After installing the 4-in-1 module to the Devo 10, the last thing to do is to update the hardware.ini textfile of the Deviation firmware. This is to let the firmware know about the new hardware installed:

;Only useful for transmitters with an after-market vibration motor
;switch_types: 3×2, 3×1, 2×2
; there is no need to enable the cyrf6936 module unless
; it is wired to an alternate port. It is Enabled automatically otherwise
enable-cyrf6936 = B12
has_pa-cyrf6936 = 1
enable-a7105 = A13
has_pa-a7105 = 1
enable-cc2500 = A14
has_pa-cc2500 = 1
enable-nrf24l01 = B7
has_pa-nrf24l01 = 1
; enable-multimod = A13

Nützliche Links
Devo 10 Black Edition
Devo 10 White Edition
4-in-1 Module at Banggood
Installation of the 4-in-1 Modul
Deviation Firmware

Editor rating: 4.5 / 5

1 Comment

  1. hola me puedes comentar como enlazó la radio con el receptor de la devo 10

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