Tierpark Hellabrunn
Some impressions from Hellabrunn, the popular Munich zoo. These photos were shot with my Olympus Pen.
The origin of zoos in Munich goes back to the Bavarian dukes and electors. In 1770 elector Maximilian III. set up an enclosure for exotic animals within Nymphenburg park. This was of course only meant for the aristocrats and it was not very successful.
Around 1860 a Mr Benedict opened the first public zoo at Königinstraße close to the English Garden. Although it was very popular with the crowds it had to close again in 1865.
Another attempt to establish a zoo was undertaken in 1885 by the Association of Poultry Farming at the “right bank of the Isar” but also failed. Oberstleutnant Hermann von Manz was more successful. In 1902 he found suitable grounds for establishing a zoological garden: The “Feßler grounds” that once housed the Lustschlösschen Hellabrunn. Their sheltered location made them perfect for the cause. In order to raise the necessary capital – at least half a million Deutsch Marks – he created the “Society of the Zoological Garden of Munich e.V.” in 1905.
The town granted him his request to place the land at his disposal for free and gave him a certificate of eligibility. On 11.11.1906 the land was made available to the society under the condition that they come up with the necessary capital for the development of a zoo within 5 years.
Technical background
I prefer to take my pictures using the Olympus Pen E-PL1 Micro Four Thirds DSLR, which offers a good balance between image quality and handiness. I use DXO Optics Pro to develop and fine-adjust the images while trying to keep them as natural as possible.
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Wie bist du so nahe an einen Schwan herangekommen?? Ich weidf, man kann mit Kameras heute auch schom zmeoon, aber dies ist ja wirklich eine brilliante Aufnahme. Seit ich zusehen durfte, wie ein Bekannter von einem Schwan in den Hintern gezwickt wurde, habe ich sehr grodfen Respekt vor den doch sehr schf6nen Vf6geln. Deine Kamera ist echt faszinierend. Ich muss aber sagen, ich habe auch eine Canon den vollen Namen vergas ich, Asche auf mein Haupt. Mit ihr habe ich auch schon e4udferst scharfe Aufnahmen machen kf6nnen (von einem dicken Frosch im Teich) aber so genau war sie, glaube ich nicht. Du hast mit diesen Fotos dennoch mein Interesse ffcr das Fotografieren wieder entdeckt. Danke