
Photos: Hiking at the Rotwand Mountain, Bavaria

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Photos from a hiking tour at the Rotwand mointain, Bavaria. It’s a gorgious place with beautiful scenic views. The Rotwand is within easy reach from Bavaria’s capital Munich by train, bus or car. Therefore, it can be a bit crowded there on weekends or during holidays, but if you can manage to go on a weekday, you won’t regret it for sure.

The Rotwand (“Red Wall”) is a 1,884 m high peak in the Mangfall Mountains in Bavaria, the highest summit in the Spitzingsee region and one of the most popular of Munich’s local mountains (Hausberge). The summit may be reached in an easy hike from the lake of Spitzingsee on various routes (e. g. through the Pfanngraben gorge with its picturesque whirlpools). The summit can be attained even more easily from the nearby mountain station on the Taubenstein and, as a result, can often become rather overcrowded on summer’s days.

Alternatively the top can be climbed from Geitau via the lake of Soinsee. Below the summit, at a height of 1,737 m, is the mountain hut of Rotwandhaus.

In winter the Rotwand is frequently climbed by skiers. The classic Rotwand-Reib’n runs from the Spitzingsee to the Rotwand, then over the Kümpflscharte arête (1,695 m) to the Auerspitz summit (1,811 m), continuing via the alpine pasture of Großtiefentalalm (1,500 m), the Miesing saddle (1,704 m; with detours to the Hochmiesing), Kleintiefentalalm and Taubensteinhaus and back to the Spitzingsee. This tour is also possible with snowshoes.

The “problem bear” Bruno was believed to be the first wild bear on German soil for 170 years. He was declared a threat to humans and killed on 26 June 2006 around 4.50 am in the Rotwand area after he had been seen at the Rotwandhaus.

Technical background

I prefer to take my pictures using the Olympus Pen E-PL1 Micro Four Thirds DSLR, which offers a good balance between image quality and handiness. I use DXO Optics Pro to develop and fine-adjust the images while trying to keep them as natural as possible.

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Recent Comments

  1. Also gibt es doch Berge um Mfcnchen. Als wir da waren, waren wir ganz entte4uscht: Keine Alpen im Hintergrund. Ja, vielleicht he4tte man das wiessn sollen, dass man ffcr die noch etwas fahren muss, aber manchmal fcberkommen mich solche seltsamen Vorstellungen

  2. Von München aus sind es noch ca. 45-60 Minuten bis dorthin, wo man schon die ersten schönen Bergpanoramen geniessen und bewandern kann.

  3. Hi Mike,
    schöne Bilder vom Spitzingsee.

    Ich bin letzte Woche dort gewesen und da sah es doch etwas anders aus:

    Freue mich aber auch schon auf den Sommer, wenn ich die Berge wieder zu Fuß erkunden kann.

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