Aerial Photography

Crop Circles found in Raisting, Ammersee Lake, Bavaria

Mike vom Mars Blog aliens ammersee antennen ausserirdisch bavaria bayern crop circles keltenschanze kornkreise mobius action cam mondlandung natur quantenmechanik quantenphysik raisting
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A mysterious crop circle in Bavaria has attracted thousands of visitors since it was spotted in a wheat field last week. It’s just a 40 min. trip from my home, so I grabbed my Phantom and went there to shoot some aerials.

The circle in Raisting, upper Bavaria, has a diameter of 75 metres and is formed of three rings. It was discovered by hot air balloonists and word quickly spread through internet forums of the find. “They sang, danced, played guitar… and slept in the field,” a woman who lives nearby said of the area’s new visitors to the site, the Süddeutsche Zeitung reported.

Many visitors believe it was not formed by humans. “This is a technology which we haven’t mastered yet,” said one visitor to the newspaper. “They want to show us – we are here, we love you.” The crop circle is near the antennas of a former communication station which was used to broadcast the first moon landing in 1969 to European households.

Christop Huttner, the farmer who owns the field, said he had not created the crop circle. “This is very difficult [to do] and really well done,” he said. “I don’t know how they managed it. There are no tyre tracks, nothing at all.” He said the damage to the crops had cost him a few hundred euros.

Personally, I am not sure who (or what) created this circle -anyway, it’s impressive to view them from the bird’s-eye point of view.

My Drone Shots

Most of my aerial shots and videos are done from first-person view using Fatshark goggles and the DJI Phantom 2 V2 with the Zenmuse H3-3D gimbal. I am not a fan of the latest "once click" drones with all the built-in smartphone stuff. Digital video submission does not provide the same, smooth experience than analog 5.8GHz submission and suffers from a low framerate and a high latency - which is absolutely deadly for a pleasant FPV experience.


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kornkreis kornkreise crop circle crop circles raisting ammersee bavaria bayern alien aliens ausserirdisch ausserirdische keltenschanze mondlandung phantom dji fpv fatshark attitude predator mobius hd action cam

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